Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Please tell me why.....

Please tell me why....the house can be quiet as a mouse. Mattie and Nathan sitting quietly on the couch watching T.V. The phone rings, I need to take the call, it's coach telling us when we have practice. At the exact same time I say hello....Nathan falls off the couch, starts crying hysterically and accidentally hits the remote and changes the channel, Mattie starts screaming/crying, "turn it back, turn it back" (over and over). I catch Nathan by the arm, somehow get the remote, turn the T.V. back to the show of choice (Mattie's choice), still talking to the coach. The phone conversation is over and I say, "bye bye". I hang up the phone, look at my 2 kids quietly watching T.V. as if nothing ever happened and I feel like I have just been blasted out of a cannon.


Ginger said...

Ahhhh, the joys of parenthood....

Amanda said...

haha!! great post!!!

Leah said...

That's too funny. I always feel like I have to get onto Natalie when I'm on the phone, so whoever I'm talking to probably thinks I fuss at her all the time.

And by the way, I remember that blue paisley shirt. LOL!