Monday, June 29, 2009

Mattie's 6th Birthday

Mattie had a bowling birthday. Little did I know it was going to set me back about 2hundy. But having an awesome birthday is Priceless.
Having pizza and cake.
PopPop and Nathan
Mom, Clint and Emily
Mom & Me
Included in the 2hundy, you get a Real Bowling Pin that all the guests get to sign! Whoo Hoo! So worth it :o)
Little Miss Priss had a ball at the bowling alley.
Big Daddy, Emily & Nathan
Mattie opening gifts from her friends. She loved all her gifts but she said her most favorite gift this year was from her little brother. He got her a whoopie cushion. It's the small things in life, right?

I think she had a great birthday party. Then the whoopie cushion broke. Life almost ended. I bought her another one. Life is good now.



Debbie said...

Kaylin had her Birthday party there in March.... we should have just went in and bought our own bowling palace for the price we paid! Oh well... they are only little for a short time. Love the pictures.

Amanda said...

I can't believe she's six!! ... going on 20, right?

Do you take Shields Rd to go to work? I thought I saw you this morning... Flor stays off of Riverton Rd.